Например - Макросы для WarFace или DLL файл
The Forest 0.37 обновление
  Стало доступным для скачивания очередное обновление популярной среди геймеров игры - The Forest 0.37. Обновление The Forest смешивает в себе множество жанров: сурвайвал, приключения и ужастик. В загадочной авиакатастрофе вы совершенно случайно, остаетесь единственным выжившим на борту с этого рейса. Перед вами огромный остров и исследуя его, вас все больше окутывают его тайны. Очень
Battleborn прохождение
  Игра battleborn представляет собой шутер от первого лица с элементами МОБА. После выбора персонажа, игроку необходимо устремить все силы на защиту последней звезды во вселенной. Игровой процесс можно осуществлять в одиночку, либо в компании из 5 единомышленников. Есть желание заново пройти выполненную миссию? Пожалуйста. В игре battleborn прохождение миссий полностью зависит от
ГТА 5 онлайн
  После прохождения игры Grand Theft Auto 5, игрокам предоставляется возможность поиграть в ГТА 5 онлайн. У геймера есть возможность выбора: проходить игровой процесс в одиночку или создать свою игровую команду и играть сообща. В онлайн игре весь игровой процесс основан на добывании денег. Как и в реальном мире, финансов, всегда меньше, чем хотелось бы. Раздобыть деньги можно
Dark souls 3 прохождение
  Dark souls 3 – компьютерная игра в жанре Action/РПГ, которая бросает вызов игрокам всего мира. Любителям бесконечных смертей, мрачных подземелий, многочисленных боссов и скрытых локаций добро пожаловать в игру dark souls 3. Прохождение игры начинается с процесса обучения, в котором игроку необходимо освоится с управлением и научиться общаться с другими игроками. В качестве основной
Видео обзор игры Far Cry: Primal
  Действие развивается за 10 000 лет до нашей эры — когда мамонты и саблезубые тигры правили Землёй. Игроку предстоит играть за Таккара, последнего выжившего охотника племени. Герой прибывает в регион Орос с единственной целью — выжить. По пути вы встретите колоритных персонажей, которые позволят приручить некоторых представителей дикой природы и научат расправляться с враждебно
Видео обзор игры Class of Heroes 3
 Class of Heroes 3 — это ролевая игра с примесью игры в жанре аниме или манга и фэнтези-игры от разработчиков из студии MonkeyPaw Games Inc.. Издает игру компания MonkeyPaw Games Inc.. В некоторых кругах Class of Heroes 3 также известна под названиями Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono. 3 и 剣と魔法と学園モノ. Релиз Class of Heroes 3 уже
Видео обзор игры Soul Axiom
Soul Axiom — это инди-игра с видом от первого лица с примесью квеста от студии Wales Interactive. Издателем игры выступает Wales Interactive. Сейчас идет разработка Soul Axiom для Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Windows PC, Macintosh и Linux для выпуска во всем мире. 
Видео обзор игры Quantic Dream Collection
 Quantic Dream Collection — это экшен с видом от третьего лица с элементами квеста и игры в жанре "интерактивное кино" от разработчиков из студии Quantic Dream. Издателем игры выступает Sony Computer Entertainment. Сейчас идет разработка Quantic Dream Collection для PlayStation 4 для выпуска во всем мире. Возможно, Quantic Dream Collection разрабатывается и для PC, но эта версия до сих пор
Видео обзор игры Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
 Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 — это экшен с видом от третьего лица с примесью шутера и онлайн-игры от девелоперов из студии PopCap Games. Издает игру компания Electronic Arts. Сейчас идет разработка Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 для Windows PC, Xbox One и PlayStation 4 для выпуска в США.
Видео обзор игры Walking Dead: Michonne
  Walking Dead: Michonne - мини-сезон, который является дополнением ко второму сезону Walking Dead от Telltale Games. События охватывает период со 126 по 139 выпуск оригинального комикса. Главной героиней выступает Мишон. Коллекция из трёх эпизодов укажет на причины, по которым девушка оставила своих спутников, и покажет, что с ней происходило.

Статьи на игровую тематику 28-06-2015, 21:32
Популярная Соц Сеть “Вконтакте” о перезапуске мобильной игровой платформы
 Одна из крупнейших в России социальных сетей этим летом собирается перезапустить свою платформу для мобильных игр, - сообщил Михаил Болдов, менеджер по продукту VK, на White Nights 2015.
Популярная Соц Сеть “Вконтакте” о перезапуске мобильной игровой платформы
Главная особенность новой версии платформы будет заключаться в том, что разработчику станет не нужно выпускать отдельное приложение под VK. Достаточно будет интегрировать SDK и отправить на аппрув.И мобильные игры, станут ещё круче!
На это решение VK пошел по целому ряду причин. Одна из них состояла в том, что у многих приложений было сразу несколько версий. Как правило, одна с интеграцией VK, другая без нее (с интеграцией другой сетки). Это создавало для разработчиков маркетинговые сложности, конфликты с магазинами приложений и трудности, связанные с миграцией пользователей.

Плюс ко всему проводившаяся ранее более глубокая интеграция сервиса и игр значительно замедляла выпуск новинок на платформе. В то же время пользователи требовали большего разнообразия игр. Теперь это процесс будет происходить значительно быстрее.

Новые правила позволяют поддержку сразу нескольких социальных сетей. Можно, к примеру, будет логиниться в игру либо с Facebook, либо с VK. Платить разработчики будут «ВКонтакте» только за тех юзеров, которые пришли непосредственно с VK.

К слову, соотношение revenue share также изменилось. Вместо 50% теперь разработчики будут получать 70%.

В рамках анонса Михаил также озвучил итоги первого года существования мобильной игровой платформы. За 12 месяцев было выпущено 11 игр, чьи суммарные загрузки достигли отметки в 11 млн, а MAU – 16 млн.
В следующей статье мы поговорим о Геймдизайнер Евгении Данилове из Playrix ,который поделился, на что стоит обратить внимание при создании сюжета для игры, и чем вертикальный сериал отличается от горизонтального.
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Написал - Florian Mallette  25 августа 2022 17:37
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I am writing to recommend a great resource for your blog on gamesdll.ru. I hope you find it to be the right fit for your readers.

Join our JustCBD experts on a journey of insight as they expose your dominant personality traits, your inner secrets and hidden desires, purely based on your go-to vape juice flavour.

Whether you like peach, plum or papaya the flavour you choose reveals a lot about you and your personality. Although a person may like to dabble in different flavours depending on their mood, there is always that one go-to flavour that we keep going back to. That one flavour can tell us a lot about your personality and how you like to live your life.

CBD experts Nataly Komova and Kristina Shafarenko have teamed up with JustCBD to create a detailed infographic covering 20 of the most popular vape flavours and the meaning behind the flavours we choose.

Nataly Komova a nutritionist and CBD blogger has this to say "Im always intrigued what a person's go-to vape juice flavour is as it can reveal so much about them as a person."

Kristina Shafarenko a psychologist and freelance writer says "The vape flavours we choose are a reflection of our personality. Flavour psychology is something that Im incredibly passionate about and the psychology behind the vape flavours we choose is an endless source of fascination for me."

Find out what your dominant vape fruit flavour says about you with this handy infographic.


### ENDS ###

Notes To Editors:

About JustCBD

JustCBD, strives to improve peoples daily lives with the most convenient and effective CBD products all over the world. They offer a vast selection of fast acting and powerful CBD oil as well as a passionate team of knowledgeable sales reps with exceptional customer service skills.

About Nataly Komova

Nataly is a London-based nutritionist and CBD blogger. Her passion for CBD was heightened after experiencing first-hand what CBD did to relieve her skin condition. Natalys aim is to spread the word about the benefits of CBD through blogging and participating in CBD and health events. In her spare time she loves jogging in the great outdoors whilst listening to her favourite playlists.

About Kristina Shafarenko

Kristina is a relationship and wellness psychologist and freelance writer. She covers a variety of topics including health & fitness, sexual wellness and relationships. When shes not writing you can find her planning her next getaway, visiting coffee shops or relaxing at home with her cat Buddy.
Написал - Tonya Bryce  30 августа 2022 19:45
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Have you tried JustCBD Oil
Написал - Irene Fincham  9 октября 2022 07:58
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We have hacked your website http://gamesdll.ru and extracted your databases.

How did this happen?

Our team has found a vulnerab_lity within your s_te that we were able to explo_t. After find_ng the vulnerabil_ty we were able to get your database credent_als and extract your ent_re database and move the _nformat_on to an offshore server.

What does th_s mean?

We will systematically go through a ser_es of steps of totally damaging your reputat_on. F_rst your database w_ll be leaked or sold to the h_ghest b_dder which they w_ll use with whatever their _ntentions are. Next if there are e-ma_ls found they w_ll be e-ma_led that their informat_on has been sold or leaked and your site http://gamesdll.ru was at fault thusly damag_ng your reputat_on and hav_ng angry customers/assoc_ates with whatever angry customers/assoc_ates do. Lastly any l_nks that you have indexed _n the search engines w_ll be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used _n the past to de-_ndex our targets.

How do i stop this?

We are w_ll_ng to refra_n from destroying your s_tes reputat_on for a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (BTC).

Please send the bitcoin to the follow_ng Bitco_n address (Make sure to copy and paste):


Once you have paid we will automat_cally get informed that _t was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment w_th_n 5 days after receiv_ng this e-ma_l or the database leak, e-mails d_spatched, and de-index of your s_te WiLL start!

How do i get B_tco_ns?

You can eas_ly buy b_tco_ns v_a several webs_tes or even offline from a Bitco_n-ATM.

What _f _ dont pay?

if you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the _nd_cated date and uphold _t until you do, theres no counter measure to th_s, you will only end up wast_ng more money trying to find a solut_on. We will completely destroy your reputat_on amongst google and your customers.

Th_s is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, dont try to reason or negot_ate, we will not read any repl_es. Once you have pa_d we will stop what we were do_ng and you will never hear from us aga_n!

Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will f_nd out that you have compl_ed.
Написал - baccaratsite  19 октября 2022 05:30
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Написал - Cornell Haynes  20 октября 2022 01:15
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I came to this site with the introduction of a friend around me and I was very impressed when I found your writing. I'll come back often after bookmarking! babaccaratcommunityccaratcommunity
Написал - kenwood set  19 декабря 2022 04:23
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Their friends will be able to find you without accidentally finding other sites with complicated names and then word of mouth can function in fabulous ways. Shop Domain
Написал - Wilfred  18 января 2023 01:54
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Написал - Claudette Teeple  29 января 2023 05:47
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Your Site Has Been Hacked


We have hacked your website http://gamesdll.ru and extracted your databases.

How did this happen?

Our team has found a vulnerability within your site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get your database credentials and extract your entire database and move the information to an offshore server.

What does this mean?

We will systematically go through a series of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leaked or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your http://gamesdll.ru was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/associates with whatever angry customers/associates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index our targets.

How do I stop this?

We are willing to refrain from destroying your sites reputation for a small fee. The current fee is $3500 in bitcoins (0.15 BTC).

The amount(approximately): $3500 (0.15 BTC)
The Address Part 1: bc1q5q57dsrnf4nm00w0c
The Address Part 2: 0yq92gfmf42g6n9ykccwg

So, you have to manually copy + paste Part1 and Part2 in one string made of 42 characters with no space between the parts that start with "b" and end with "g" is the actually address where you should send the money to.

Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment within 72 hours after receiving this message or the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index of your site WILL start!

How do I get Bitcoins?

You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites or even offline from a Bitcoin-ATM.

What if I dont pay?

If you decide not to pay, we will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, theres no counter measure to this, you will only end up wasting more money trying to find a solution. We will completely destroy your reputation amongst google and your customers.

This is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, dont try to reason or negotiate, we will not read any replies. Once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and you will never hear from us again!

Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will find out that you have complied.
Написал - Harvey Duerr  18 марта 2023 17:52
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Attention: Accounts Payable / Domain Owner /    

       GamesDll - DLL       ,    

Your Domain: www.gamesdll.ru
Expected Reply before: Mar 18, 2023.

This Notice for: www.gamesdll.ru will expire on Mar 18, 2023.

*For details and to make a payment for gamesdll.ru services by credit card:

Visit: https://settle-notice.com/?web=gamesdll.ru

03182023105238(03) 5342 9008
Написал - UFABET1688X  1 апреля 2023 08:02
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???????ufabet ?????? UFABET ?????????????? ?????????????? ??????????????
Написал - Jade Delgadillo  12 апреля 2023 10:01
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We have hacked your website gamesdll.ru and extracted your databases. This was due to the security holes you had in your your site/server which have gained us remote control of everything that was on the server.

Our team is mostly interested in customer, administrative, and employee information which we have extracted through your databases once we got remote control over the server. It still needs to be sorted out but it will be well-organized once finished. First, we will be going through the emails/sms information and contacting the recipient how you held in disregard about their information being exposed to a hacking group when you could have stopped it. This would be detrimental to your personal image with these relationships with these people. Lastly, now that we have information not only will we be monetizing off it with our methods but made public or sold to other people that will do whatever they wish with the information also after we are done.

Now you can put a stop to this by paying a $3000 fee (0.10 BTC) in bitcoin to the address 33Mw16wNgvQZHzmS87MCTJ3ZAJBowre1rd We will be notified of payment which we will then delete the information we have obtained, patch the hole in the site/server which we got in and remove you from any future targeting in the future. You have 72 hours in doing so after viewing this message or the series of steps will commence. You can obtain bitcoin through such services such as paxful.com or do a search on bing.com
Написал - Lisa E. Doty  26 мая 2023 01:35
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I found that your website gamesdll.ru could not be monetized at its best.

And it may be the same situation for most people who want to join Google Adsense but have not met their requirements.

But there is another way, even better than Google Adsense. This platform is A Google Certified Publishing Partner https://bit.ly/3Pfb3Ui, and joining them is free. It can help us to increase ad revenue 50-250%

If you have time, let's check them out at https://bit.ly/3Pfb3Ui
Lets monetize together
Best regards
Написал - Tod Clare  11 июня 2023 06:29
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Hey there owner of GamesDll - DLL       ,    ,

Fireworks are sparkling, drums are rolling, and I'm here sending you a dynamic cyber-wave! My name is Tod Clare, a real-deal digital wizard who's completely infatuated with the mystical realm of online marketing.

As I was venturing through the sparkling cosmos of the web, I stumbled upon your shining star of a site, GamesDll - DLL       ,    . A Aha moment dawned on me: what if you could overdrive your SEO with a dash of AI magic?

Get ready to drumroll, because I'm about to introduce a sensational event that could catapult your web presence into celestial success.

Ta-da! Here's your golden ticket, gratis:


Enter for the exciting extravaganza of the digital age, titled, "Navigating the Digital Revolution: Amplify SEO Through AI". This event is where SEO and AI become best friends, like two salsa enthusiasts twirling at the edge of the dance floor.

Here's a cheerful little teaser of what's in store:

A exciting unveiling of AI-SEO tools that are turning the digital marketing world around (in a good way, of course).
Deep-dive masterclasses led by the superstars of the industry.
A VIP glimpse into the future trends of AI-SEO. (Psst... you'll be in the front line!)

Informative chinwags with the superheroes of AI and SEO.
Diamonds of wisdom on how to cruise the AI-SEO wave for a delicious competitive edge.
Picture this as a party of knowledge, networking, and profound insights. It's your opportunity to sip from the fountain of industry knowledge, interact with the digitally-driven crowd, and wield the power of AI-SEO to send your site into another dimension.

I'm buzzing with excitement for you to leap into this opportunity! This could be your golden ticket to new insights and even greater online success.

Until our paths cross again in the digital realm,

P.S. If the SEO for your site is already cr_me de la cr_me, feel free to pass this by. But if you're on the lookout for that extra zest, make a dash for your ticket before they dissolve like hotcakes!
Написал - Freya Ming  15 июня 2023 09:04
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Are you looking for a way to generate more leads and sales for your business? I have a solution for you.

This new AI-powered platform that makes it easy to create and track professional ads and social media content. With this REVOLUTIONARY System, you'll be able to reach a targeted audience, track your advertising performance, and optimize your campaigns for better results.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow your business.

I'm excited to offer you $500 in Google Ad credit when you sign up for a 7-day free trial to TRY out this AMAZING Sytem. That's right, you can try out this system for FREE for a week and see firsthand how it can benefit your business.

Sign up for here >>> https://bit.ly/adc02

I hope this helps you on your advertising for generating more leads and sales.

Best regards
Atto Smith
89 Rugby Street, TX
Click here to Unsubscribe
Написал - Nannette Andrzejewski  16 июня 2023 11:42
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Dear gamesdll.rus owner,

Hello, I hope this email finds you thriving.

As we're all aware, the economic landscape is constantly shifting, and inflation has recently emerged as a key concern for many businesses. Rather than viewing this as a challenge, have you ever thought about transforming it into a source of opportunity and growth?

To this end, I'd like to invite you to a strategic webinar that unveils practical strategies to convert the potential threat of inflation into a catalyst for business expansion.

Here's a snapshot of the actionable insights you'll gain:
"Unveiling Silent Revenue Sinkholes" - Identifying and eliminating the unseen hurdles in your online platforms that are clandestinely diminishing your earnings.
"Maximizing Growth Momentum" - Implement strategies that leverage inflation to fuel your business expansion.
"Achieving Peak Financial Management" - Learn how to strategically cut down operational costs that are unnecessarily eroding your profits.
"Securing Online Preeminence" - Gain dominance in search engines and solidify your online presence.
"Adopting Success Blueprints" - Draw inspiration from the success stories of businesses that have successfully navigated similar economic challenges.
"Optimizing Page Load Efficiency" - Discover how to significantly reduce your web page load times to enhance user experience and engagement.

Looking for actionable strategies? Secure your spot in this impactful webinar, arming yourself with the know-how to transform economic challenges into business opportunities.

Register for the webinar here: https://events.com/r/en_US/tickets/unlocking-business-potential-in-times-of-inf

Kind Regards,
Nannette Andrzejewski
Online Business Specialist

P.S. My resolve is to empower businesses to succeed in the face of economic volatility. I am confident that this webinar will provide immense value to your business. Be reminded, the number of seats is limited, so reserve your spot at the earliest opportunity. Can't wait to see you there.

Secure your spot NOW: https://events.com/r/en_US/tickets/unlocking-business-potential-in-times-of-inf
Написал - Josefa Purcell  27 июня 2023 20:28
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Hey there!

Guess what? I've got an exciting opportunity for you that you don't want to miss!

I'm Josefa, the affiliate manager for some seriously cool brands. Right now, I'm teaming up with Peaches and Screams, the ultimate online destination for lingerie and sex toys. Yep, you heard that right!

I've taken a good look at gamesdll.ru and let me tell you, your audience is a perfect match for Peaches and Screams. Just imagine the possibilities! One of your competitors is already raking in a monthly affiliate income of over $10,000. Can you imagine what that could mean for you?

So here's the deal: I want to invite you to join our exclusive affiliate program. It's super simple. You promote Peaches and Screams on your site and social media channels using a unique link we'll provide you. Whenever someone makes a purchase through that link, you earn a commission. And the best part? You keep earning from that customer for life!

Now, here's a mind-blowing stat: 8 out of 10 adults have used or currently use sex toys. And 5 out of 10 adults are totally open about their sex lives. That's a massive target audience right there, and it means one thingbig bucks for you!

But here's the catch: Our affiliate program is by invitation only. And guess what? I've already pre-approved gamesdll.ru for it. You're in!

Ready to dive in and learn more? Just head over to our affiliate program page at https://peachesandscreams.co.uk/pages/lingerie-and-sex-toy-affiliate-program to get all the juicy details and sign up.

But here's the kicker: We're closing our doors to new applicants real soon. We want to focus on giving our affiliates the best support and attention they deserve. So don't wait too long or you'll miss out on this incredible opportunity!

I can't wait to welcome you to the team and watch those commissions roll in. Let's make some serious money together!

Excitedly yours,

Josefa Purcell
Написал - Chastity Meek  30 июня 2023 17:20
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Adam Smith
78 Road St, NYC
Click here to Unsubscribe.
Написал - Cherie Wheat  2 августа 2023 00:14
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Написал - Kris Hutt  22 сентября 2023 03:09
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Написал - ufabet1688  25 сентября 2023 22:17
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Greetings! Very helpful advice on this article! It is the little changes that make the biggest changes. Thanks a lot for sharing! ufabet1688
Написал - Ema Rhodes  26 сентября 2023 00:41
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Написал - Ema Ganz  26 сентября 2023 13:19
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